0 Tk


Available since 5.13.0.


Get the ref property definition of the component, which is very useful for components that are not directly exposed or child components.

import { Select } from 'antd';
import type { GetRef } from 'antd';

type SelectRefType = GetRef<typeof Select>; // BaseSelectRef


Get the props property definition of the component:

import { Checkbox } from 'antd';
import type { GetProps } from 'antd';

type CheckboxGroupType = GetProps<typeof Checkbox.Group>;


Get the single props property definition of the component. It has encapsulated NonNullable, so you don’t have to worry about it being empty:

import { Select } from 'antd';
import type { GetProp, SelectProps } from 'antd';

// Both of these can work
type SelectOptionType1 = GetProp<SelectProps, 'options'>[number];
type SelectOptionType2 = GetProp<typeof Select, 'options'>[number];