0 Tk


Display an alert element to draw attention.


Pass a title to your Alert.

  <UAlert title="Heads up!" />


You can add a description in addition of the title.

    description="You can add components to your app using the cli."
    title="Heads up!"


Use any icon from Iconify by setting the icon prop by using this pattern: i-{collection_name}-{icon_name} or change it globally in ui.alert.default.icon.

    description="You can add components to your app using the cli."
    title="Heads up!"


Use the avatar prop as an object and configure it with any of its props.

    description="You can add components to your app using the cli."
    :avatar="{ src: 'https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/739984?v=4' }"
    title="Heads up!"


Use the color and variant props to change the visual style of the Alert.

  • color can be any color from the ui.colors object or white (default).
  • variant can be solid (default), outline, soft or subtle.
    title="Heads up!"
    description="You can add components to your app using the cli."


Use the close-button prop to hide or customize the close button on the Alert.

You can pass all the props of the Button component to customize it through the close-button prop or globally through ui.alert.default.closeButton.

It defaults to null which means no close button will be displayed. A close event will be emitted when the close button is clicked.

    :close-button="{ icon: 'i-heroicons-x-mark-20-solid', color: 'gray', variant: 'link', padded: false }"
    title="Heads up!"


Use the actions prop to add actions to the Alert.

Like for closeButton, you can pass all the props of the Button component plus a click function in the action but also customize the default style for the actions globally through ui.alert.default.actionButton.

    :actions="[{ label: 'Action 1' }, { variant: 'ghost', color: 'gray', label: 'Action 2' }]"
    title="Heads up!"

Actions will render differently whether you have a description set.

    :actions="[{ variant: 'solid', color: 'primary', label: 'Action 1' }, { variant: 'outline', color: 'primary', label: 'Action 2' }]"
    title="Heads up!"
    description="You can add components to your app using the cli."


title / description

Use the #title and #description slots to customize the Alert.

This can be handy when you want to display HTML content. To achieve this, you can define those slots and use the v-html directive.

  <UAlert title="Heads <i>up</i>!" icon="i-heroicons-command-line">
    <template #title="{ title }">
      <!-- eslint-disable-next-line vue/no-v-html -->
      <span v-html="title" />

    <template #description>
      You can add <b>components</b> to your app using the <u>cli</u>.


Use the #icon slot to customize the displayed icon.

  <UAlert title="Customize Alert Icon" description="Insert custom content into the icon slot!" icon="i-heroicons-command-line">
    <template #icon="{ icon }">
      <UBadge size="sm">
        <UIcon :name="icon" />


Use the #avatar slot to customize the displayable avatar.

    title="Customize Alert Avatar"
    description="Insert custom content into the avatar slot!"
      src: 'https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/739984?v=4',
      alt: 'Avatar'
    <template #avatar="{ avatar }">


Use the #actions slot to add custom user interaction elements.


Prop Type Default
ui Object {}
color string config.default.color
variant AlertVariant config.default.variant
icon string config.default.icon
avatar Avatar null
title string null
description string null
actions AlertAction[] []
closeButton Button config.default.closeButton as unknown as Button



  wrapper: 'w-full relative overflow-hidden',
  inner: 'w-0 flex-1',
  title: 'text-sm font-medium',
  description: 'mt-1 text-sm leading-4 opacity-90',
  actions: 'flex items-center gap-2 mt-3 flex-shrink-0',
  shadow: '',
  rounded: 'rounded-lg',
  padding: 'p-4',
  gap: 'gap-3',
  icon: {
    base: 'flex-shrink-0 w-5 h-5'
  avatar: {
    base: 'flex-shrink-0 self-center',
    size: 'md'
  color: {
    white: {
      solid: 'text-gray-900 dark:text-white bg-white dark:bg-gray-900 ring-1 ring-gray-200 dark:ring-gray-800'
  variant: {
    solid: 'bg-{color}-500 dark:bg-{color}-400 text-white dark:text-gray-900',
    outline: 'text-{color}-500 dark:text-{color}-400 ring-1 ring-inset ring-{color}-500 dark:ring-{color}-400',
    soft: 'bg-{color}-50 dark:bg-{color}-400 dark:bg-opacity-10 text-{color}-500 dark:text-{color}-400',
    subtle: 'bg-{color}-50 dark:bg-{color}-400 dark:bg-opacity-10 text-{color}-500 dark:text-{color}-400 ring-1 ring-inset ring-{color}-500 dark:ring-{color}-400 ring-opacity-25 dark:ring-opacity-25'
  default: {
    color: 'white',
    variant: 'solid',
    icon: null,
    closeButton: null,
    actionButton: {
      size: 'xs',
      color: 'primary',
      variant: 'link'