Add a pagination to handle pages.
Use a v-model
to get a reactive page alongside a total
which represents the total of items. You can also use the page-count
prop to define the number of items per page which defaults to 10
<script setup lang="ts">
const page = ref(1)
const items = ref(Array(55))
<UPagination v-model="page" :page-count="5" :total="items.length" />
Use the max
prop to set a maximum of displayed pages. Defaults to 7
, being the minimum.
<UPagination :max="5" :page-count="5" :total="100" :model-value="1" />
Use the size
prop to change the size of the buttons.
<UPagination size="sm" :model-value="1" :total="100" show-last show-first />
Use the to
property to transform buttons into links. Note that it must be a function that receives the page number and returns a route destination.
<script setup lang="ts">
const page = ref(1)
const items = ref(Array(50))
:to="(page: number) => ({
query: { page },
// Hash is specified here to prevent the page from scrolling to the top
hash: '#links'
Use the disabled
prop to disable all the buttons.
<UPagination disabled :model-value="1" :total="100" show-last show-first />
Use the active-button
and inactive-button
props to customize the active and inactive buttons of the Pagination.
:active-button="{ variant: 'outline' }"
:inactive-button="{ color: 'gray' }"
Use the prev-button
and next-button
props to customize the prev and next buttons of the Pagination.
:prev-button="{ icon: 'i-heroicons-arrow-small-left-20-solid', label: 'Prev', color: 'gray' }"
:next-button="{ icon: 'i-heroicons-arrow-small-right-20-solid', trailing: true, label: 'Next', color: 'gray' }"
Use the first-button
and last-button
props to customize the first and last buttons of the Pagination.
:first-button="{ icon: 'i-heroicons-arrow-small-left-20-solid', label: 'First', color: 'gray' }"
:last-button="{ icon: 'i-heroicons-arrow-small-right-20-solid', trailing: true, label: 'Last', color: 'gray' }"
Use the #prev
and #next
slots to set the content of the previous and next buttons.
<script setup lang="ts">
const page = ref(1)
const items = ref(Array(55))
<UPagination v-model="page" :total="items.length" :ui="{ rounded: 'first-of-type:rounded-s-md last-of-type:rounded-e-md' }">
<template #prev="{ onClick, canGoPrev }">
<UTooltip text="Previous page">
:ui="{ rounded: 'rounded-full' }"
class="rtl:[&_span:first-child]:rotate-180 me-2"
<template #next="{ onClick, canGoNext }">
<UTooltip text="Next page">
:ui="{ rounded: 'rounded-full' }"
class="rtl:[&_span:last-child]:rotate-180 ms-2"
Use the #first
and #last
slots to set the content of the first and last buttons.
<script setup lang="ts">
const page = ref(1)
const items = ref(Array(55))
<UPagination v-model="page" :total="items.length" :ui="{ rounded: 'first-of-type:rounded-s-md last-of-type:rounded-e-md' }">
<template #first="{ onClick, canGoFirst }">
<UTooltip text="First page">
:ui="{ rounded: 'rounded-full' }"
class="rtl:[&_span:first-child]:rotate-180 me-2"
<template #last="{ onClick, canGoLast }">
<UTooltip text="Last page">
:ui="{ rounded: 'rounded-full' }"
class="rtl:[&_span:last-child]:rotate-180 ms-2"
Property | Type | Default | Required |
modelValue | number | - | true |
total | number | - | true |
size | “md” | “2xs” | “xs” | “sm” | “lg” | “xl” | “md” | - |
max | number | 7 | - |
ui | {} | - | - |
to | function | null | - |
divider | string | “…” | - |
pageCount | number | 10 | - |
activeButton | ButtonProps | {} | - |
inactiveButton | ButtonProps | {} | - |
firstButton | ButtonProps | {} | - |
lastButton | ButtonProps | {} | - |
prevButton | ButtonProps | {} | - |
nextButton | ButtonProps | {} | - |
disabled | boolean | false | - |
showFirst | boolean | false | - |
showLast | boolean | false | - |
Property | Type | Default |
type | string | - |
block | boolean | - |
label | string | - |
loading | boolean | - |
disabled | boolean | - |
padded | boolean | - |
size | “2xs” | “xs” | “sm” | “md” | “lg” | “xl” | “md” |
color | string | - |
variant | “link” | “outline” | “solid” | “soft” | “ghost” | - |
icon | string | - |
loadingIcon | string | - |
leadingIcon | string | - |
trailingIcon | string | - |
trailing | boolean | - |
leading | boolean | - |
square | boolean | - |
truncate | boolean | - |
target | string | - |
as | string | - |
active | boolean | - |
exact | boolean | - |
exactQuery | boolean | “partial” | - |
exactHash | boolean | - |
inactiveClass | string | - |
to | {} | - |
href | {} | - |
external | boolean | - |
rel | string | “noopener noreferrer” |
noRel | boolean | - |
prefetchedClass | string | - |
prefetch | boolean | - |
prefetchOn | “visibility” | “interaction” | {} | - |
noPrefetch | boolean | - |
replace | boolean | - |
custom | boolean | - |
activeClass | string | - |
exactActiveClass | string | - |
ariaCurrentValue | “time” | “step” | “date” | “page” | “location” | “true” | “false” | - |
viewTransition | boolean | - |
wrapper: 'flex items-center -space-x-px',
base: '',
rounded: 'first:rounded-s-md last:rounded-e-md',
default: {
size: 'sm',
activeButton: {
color: 'primary'
inactiveButton: {
color: 'white'
firstButton: {
color: 'white',
class: 'rtl:[&_span:first-child]:rotate-180',
icon: 'i-heroicons-chevron-double-left-20-solid'
lastButton: {
color: 'white',
class: 'rtl:[&_span:last-child]:rotate-180',
icon: 'i-heroicons-chevron-double-right-20-solid'
prevButton: {
color: 'white',
class: 'rtl:[&_span:first-child]:rotate-180',
icon: 'i-heroicons-chevron-left-20-solid'
nextButton: {
color: 'white',
class: 'rtl:[&_span:last-child]:rotate-180',
icon: 'i-heroicons-chevron-right-20-solid'