0 Tk



A ready to use CommandPalette to add to your dashboard.


Use the groups prop to provide commands like a normal CommandPalette.

You can open the CommandPalette by pressing K or using the DashboardSearchButton component. You can also do this manually with const { toggleDashboardSearch } = useUIState().

You’ll usually use this component in your app.vue or layout:

<script setup lang="ts">
const links = [{
  id: 'home',
  label: 'Home', 
  icon: 'i-heroicons-home',
  to: '/',
  tooltip: {
    text: 'Home',
    shortcuts: ['G', 'H']
}, {
  id: 'inbox',
  label: 'Inbox',
  icon: 'i-heroicons-inbox',
  to: '/inbox',
  badge: '4',
  tooltip: {
    text: 'Inbox',
    shortcuts: ['G', 'I']
}, {
  id: 'users',
  label: 'Users',
  icon: 'i-heroicons-user-group',
  to: '/users',
  tooltip: {
    text: 'Users',
    shortcuts: ['G', 'U']
}, {
  id: 'settings',
  label: 'Settings',
  to: '/settings',
  icon: 'i-heroicons-cog-8-tooth',
  children: [{
    label: 'General',
    to: '/settings',
    exact: true
  }, {
    label: 'Members',
    to: '/settings/members'
  }, {
    label: 'Notifications',
    to: '/settings/notifications'
  tooltip: {
    text: 'Settings',
    shortcuts: ['G', 'S']

const groups = [{
  key: 'links',
  label: 'Go to',
  commands: links.map(link => ({ ...link, shortcuts: link.tooltip?.shortcuts }))

      <UDashboardNavbar />

        <UDashboardSidebarLinks :links="links" />

    <slot />

      <LazyUDashboardSearch :groups="groups" />

It is recommended to wrap the DashboardSearch component in a ClientOnly component so it’s not rendered on the server.

Color Mode

By default, a group of commands will be added to the command palette so you can switch between light and dark mode. This will only take effect if the colorMode is not forced in a specific page which can be achieved through definePageMeta:

<script setup lang="ts">
  colorMode: 'dark'

You can also disable this behavior manually by setting the hide-color-mode prop: <UDashboardSearch hide-color-mode />. This can be quite useful when forcing the color mode for the entire app in your nuxt.config.ts:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  colorMode: {
    preference: 'light'


  • ui (any) - Default: {}
  • groups (Group[]) - Default: []
  • fuse (UseFuseOptions) - Default: {}
  • modelValue (boolean) - Default: undefined
  • hideColorMode (boolean) - Default: false


  padding: 'p-0 sm:p-4',
  rounded: 'rounded-none sm:rounded-lg',
  width: 'sm:max-w-3xl',
  height: 'h-dvh sm:h-[28rem]',
  commandPalette: {
    input: {
      height: 'h-[--header-height] sm:h-12',
      icon: {
        size: 'h-5 w-5',
        padding: 'ps-11'
    group: {
      command: {
        prefix: `!text-foreground after:content-['_>']`
    container: 'scroll-py-10'
  fileIcon: {
    name: 'i-heroicons-document-text'
  default: {
    closeButton: {
      icon: 'i-heroicons-x-mark-20-solid',
      color: 'gray',
      variant: 'ghost',
      size: 'sm'