0 Tk



A pre-built Card to add links in your pages.


Built on top of the Card component, the PageCard can be used in a PageGrid, PageColumns or a LandingGrid.

Use the title, description and icon props to customize the card.

    title="Tailwind CSS"
    description="Add Tailwind CSS to your Nuxt application in seconds with PurgeCSS included for minimal CSS."

You can also pass any property from the NuxtLink component such as to, target, exact, etc.

    title="Tailwind CSS"
    description="Add Tailwind CSS to your Nuxt application in seconds with PurgeCSS included for minimal CSS."

Look at the Nuxt.com modules page to see what you can do!


  • header - {}
  • icon - {}
  • title - {}
  • description - {}
  • footer - {}
  • default - {}


  • target - “_blank” | “_parent” | “_self” | “_top” | (string & {})
  • to - string | RouteLocationAsRelativeGeneric | RouteLocationAsPathGeneric
  • activeClass - string
  • exactActiveClass - string
  • ariaCurrentValue - “page” | “step” | “location” | “date” | “time” | “true” | “false”
  • prefetchedClass - string
  • icon - string (default: undefined)
  • title - string (default: undefined)
  • description - string (default: undefined)
  • ui - DeepPartial<{ wrapper: string; to: string; icon: { wrapper: string; base: string; }; body: { base: string; }; title: string; description: string; }> (default: {})
  • href - string | RouteLocationAsRelativeGeneric | RouteLocationAsPathGeneric
  • rel - any
  • replace - boolean
  • noRel - boolean
  • prefetch - boolean
  • noPrefetch - boolean
  • external - boolean


  wrapper: 'relative group',
  to: 'hover:ring-2 hover:ring-primary-500 dark:hover:ring-primary-400 hover:bg-gray-100/50 dark:hover:bg-gray-800/50',
  icon: {
    wrapper: 'mb-6 flex',
    base: 'w-10 h-10 flex-shrink-0 text-primary'
  body: {
    base: 'flex-1'
  title: 'text-gray-900 dark:text-white text-base font-semibold truncate flex items-center gap-1.5',
  description: 'text-[15px] text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400 mt-1'