A customizable section for your landing pages.
The LandingSection
component will wrap your content in a Container but the wrapper takes the full width of the screen so you can easily change the background.
Use the headline
, title
and description
props to customize the content of the section.
title="The freedom to build anything"
description="Nuxt UI Pro ships with an extensive set of advanced components that cover a wide range of use-cases."
Use the icon
prop to add an icon on top of the title.
title="The freedom to build anything"
description="Nuxt UI Pro ships with an extensive set of advanced components that cover a wide range of use-cases."
You can add anything you want in the default slot, an image, a code-block using the MDC
component (when using @nuxt/content
), a LandingGrid, a PageGrid, a PricingGrid, a LandingFAQ, a LandingCTA, etc.
You can change the align
prop from center
to left
or right
to position the slot horizontaly.
title="The freedom to build anything"
description="Nuxt UI Pro ships with an extensive set of advanced components that cover a wide range of use-cases."
class="w-full rounded-md shadow-xl ring-1 ring-gray-300 dark:ring-gray-700"
Use the links
prop to add some Buttons below the description. Those will be rendered below the default slot when the align
prop is set to center
title="The freedom to build anything"
description="Nuxt UI Pro ships with an extensive set of advanced components that cover a wide range of use-cases."
:links="[{ label: 'Explore components', color: 'gray', trailingIcon: 'i-heroicons-arrow-right', size: 'lg' }]"
class="w-full rounded-md shadow-xl ring-1 ring-gray-300 dark:ring-gray-700"
Use the features
prop to add a list of features below the description. Those will be rendered as a grid when the align
prop is set to center
title="The freedom to build anything"
description="Nuxt UI Pro ships with an extensive set of advanced components that cover a wide range of use-cases."
:features="[{ name: 'Fully customizable', description: 'Like Nuxt UI, change the style of any component from your App Config or customize them specifically through the ui prop.', icon: 'i-heroicons-wrench-screwdriver' }, { name: 'Slots for everything', description: 'Each component leverages the power of Vue's slots to give you the flexibility to build anything.', icon: 'i-heroicons-square-3-stack-3d' }]"
class="w-full rounded-md shadow-xl ring-1 ring-gray-300 dark:ring-gray-700"
You can use the #headline
, #title
, #description
and #links
slots to customize the content of the section. This can be quite useful when using @nuxt/content
if your content has HTML for example:
We’re using
files as an example here but you can use any format supported by@nuxt/content
title: The freedom to build anything
description: Nuxt UI Pro ships with an extensive set of advanced components that cover a wide range of use-cases.
code: |
```vue [app.vue]
<UHeader :links="links" />
<ULandingHero title="Hello World" />
<ULandingSection title="Features">
<ULandingCard title="First Card" />
<ULandingCard title="Second Card" />
<ULandingCard title="Third Card" />
<UFooter />
<script setup lang="ts">
const { data: page } = await useAsyncData('index', () => queryContent('/').findOne())
<template #title>
<span v-html="page.feature.title" />
<template #description>
<span v-html="page.feature.description" />
class="prose prose-primary dark:prose-invert max-w-none"
You can use the slot
prop to change the default slot name, this can be useful when using @nuxt/content
and iterating over a list of sections for example:
- title: 'The power of<br><span class="text-primary">Vue Components</span>'
description: 'We love Vue Single-File Components as much as you do.'
class: 'dark bg-gray-900'
align: left
slot: code
code: |
```vue [app.vue]
<NuxtPage />
- title: 'Compose with<br><span class="text-primary">everything you need.</span>'
slot: features
- title: 'Routing & Layouts'
description: 'File based routing system to build complex views and interfaces with a powerful and conventional approach.'
icon: 'i-ph-signpost-duotone'
- title: 'Data Fetching'
description: 'Composables that run on the server to fetch data for your components and enable you to render content in different ways.'
icon: 'i-ph-plugs-connected-duotone'
- title: 'Assets & Style'
description: 'Image, Font and Script optizations with a built-in support for CSS Modules, Sass, PostCSS, CSS-in-JS and more.'
icon: 'i-ph-image-duotone'
<script setup lang="ts">
const { data: page } = await useAsyncData('index', () => queryContent('/').findOne())
v-for="(section, index) of page.sections"
<template #title>
<span v-html="section.title" />
<template #description>
<span v-if="section.description" v-html="section.description" />
<template #code>
class="prose prose-primary dark:prose-invert max-w-none"
<template #features>
<UPageCard v-for="(feature, index) in features" :key="index" v-bind="feature" />
You can use the #top
and #bottom
slots to add content above and below the container, this can be useful when adding some absolute positioned svgs for example.
- {}icon
- {}headline
- {}title
- {}description
- {}links
- {}bottom
- {}title
- string (undefined)description
- string (undefined)icon
- string (undefined)ui
- any ({})links
- (Button & { click?: (…args: any[]) => void; })[] ([])align
- “left” | “center” | “right” (“center”)headline
- string (undefined)features
- { icon?: string; name: string; description?: string; }[] ([])slot
- string (undefined){
wrapper: 'py-24 sm:py-32',
container: 'gap-16 sm:gap-y-24 flex flex-col',
base: 'text-center flex flex-col items-center',
icon: {
wrapper: 'flex mb-6',
base: 'w-10 h-10 flex-shrink-0 text-primary'
headline: 'mb-2 text-base/7 font-semibold text-primary',
title: 'text-3xl font-bold tracking-tight text-gray-900 dark:text-white sm:text-4xl lg:text-5xl',
description: 'mt-6 text-lg/8 text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300',
links: 'mt-8 flex flex-wrap gap-x-3 gap-y-1.5',
features: {
wrapper: {
base: 'mt-6 leading-7',
list: 'space-y-4',
grid: 'grid grid-cols-1 gap-x-6 gap-y-10 sm:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 lg:gap-x-8 lg:gap-y-16'
base: 'relative pl-8',
name: 'font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-white',
description: 'text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400 leading-6',
icon: {
base: 'absolute left-0 top-1 h-5 w-5 text-primary',
name: 'i-heroicons-check-circle-20-solid'