When building a landing page, a documentation, a blog or even a changelog you will need to manage content. You can do it manually by creating a new page for each content, fetch it from a CMS, store in your own database, etc. or use the @nuxt/content
module to manage your content with Git.
Take a look at Nuxt Studio, the Pro version of
which is fully compatible with@nuxt/ui-pro
To get started, you can follow the official guide or in summary:
pnpm i @nuxt/content
Then add the module to your nuxt.config.ts
export default defineNuxtConfig({
extends: ['@nuxt/ui-pro'],
modules: [
You need to register
otherwise Tailwind CSS classes won’t be parsed in your.md
Now that @nuxt/content
module is installed, the layer will automatically configure the syntax highlight
theme with material-theme
and preload some languages so you don’t have to.
You might be using @nuxt/content
to build a documentation. To help you with that, we’ve built some components that you can use in your pages:
To make the most out of @nuxt/content
, we use the @tailwindcss/typography
plugin to style your content. The defaults of the plugin have been overriden to use the primary
and gray
colors from your App Config alongside many other customizations so it matches the design system of Nuxt UI.
You will be able to wrap your <ContentSlot />
or <ContentRenderer />
with the PageBody component and its prose
class to apply the prose prose-primary dark:prose-invert max-w-none
classes automatically to your content and make it look great.
To help you when writing content, we’ve also added some components to use in your .md
files using the MDC syntax like a Callout, Card, CodeGroup, Tabs, etc.
Some utils will be auto-imported to make the bridge between @nuxt/content
and @nuxt/ui-pro
This util will map the navigation from fetchContentNavigation
that you’ll usually fetch in your app.vue
file and transform it recursively into an array of objects expected by components like NavigationTree.
<script setup lang="ts">
const { data: navigation } = await useAsyncData('navigation', () => fetchContentNavigation(), { default: () => [] })
<template #panel>
<UNavigationTree :links="mapContentNavigation(navigation)" />
This util will allow you to bind an headline
in the PageHeader based on the page _dir
<script setup lang="ts">
const route = useRoute()
const { data: page } = await useAsyncData(route.path, () => queryContent(route.path).findOne())
const headline = computed(() => findPageHeadline(page.value))
<UPageHeader v-bind="page" :headline="headline" />
This util will recursively find the breadcrumb of a page based on the navigation so you can use it in the PageHeader #headline
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { NavItem } from '@nuxt/content'
const navigation = inject<Ref<NavItem[]>>('navigation', ref([]))
const route = useRoute()
const { data: page } = await useAsyncData(route.path, () => queryContent(route.path).findOne())
const breadcrumb = computed(() => mapContentNavigation(findPageBreadcrumb(navigation.value, page.value)))
<UPageHeader v-bind="page">
<template #headline>
<UBreadcrumb :links="breadcrumb" />
You should have all the informations to start building your app with @nuxt/ui-pro
, you can now explore all the available components 🚀