0 Tk


Autocomplete Props


A list of options that will be shown in the Autocomplete.


Render the input.

Signature: function(params: object) => ReactNode

autoComplete bool (false)

If true, the portion of the selected suggestion that the user hasn’t typed, known as the completion string, appears inline after the input cursor in the textbox. The inline completion string is visually highlighted and has a selected state.

autoHighlight bool (false)

If true, the first option is automatically highlighted.

autoSelect bool (false)

If true, the selected option becomes the value of the input when the Autocomplete loses focus unless the user chooses a different option or changes the character string in the input.
When using the freeSolo mode, the typed value will be the input value if the Autocomplete loses focus without highlighting an option.

blurOnSelect (‘mouse’ | ‘touch’ | bool) (false)

Control if the input should be blurred when an option is selected:

  • false the input is not blurred.
  • true the input is always blurred.
  • touch the input is blurred after a touch event.
  • mouse the input is blurred after a mouse event.

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