0 Tk



import TablePagination from '@mui/material/TablePagination';
// or
import { TablePagination } from '@mui/material';

Learn about the difference by reading this guide on minimizing bundle size.

A TableCell based component for placing inside TableFooter for pagination.

Props of the TableCell component are also available.

Name Type Default Description
count* integer - The total number of rows. To enable server side pagination for an unknown number of items, provide -1.
onPageChange* func - Callback fired when the page is changed.
Signature: function(event: React.MouseEvent | null, page: number) => void
- event The event source of the callback.
- page The page selected.
page* integer - The zero-based index of the current page.
rowsPerPage* integer - The number of rows per page. Set -1 to display all the rows.
ActionsComponent elementType TablePaginationActions The component used for displaying the actions.
backIconButtonProps object - Props applied to the back arrow IconButton component.
classes object - Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
component elementType - The component used for the root node.
disabled bool false If true, the component is disabled.
getItemAriaLabel func default function Accepts a function which returns a string value for screen reader users.
labelDisplayedRows func default function Customize the displayed rows label.
labelRowsPerPage node ‘Rows per page:’ Customize the rows per page label.
nextIconButtonProps object - Props applied to the next arrow IconButton element.
onRowsPerPageChange func - Callback fired when the number of rows per page is changed.
rowsPerPageOptions array [10, 25, 50, 100] Customizes the options of the rows per page select field.
SelectProps object {} Props applied to the rows per page Select element.
showFirstButton bool false If true, show the first-page button.
showLastButton bool false If true, show the last-page button.
slotProps object {} The props used for each slot inside the TablePagination.
slots object {} The components used for each slot inside the TablePagination.
sx array | func | object - The system prop for defining system overrides and additional CSS styles.


The props of the TableCell component are also available in TablePagination.

Theme default props

Use MuiTablePagination to change the default props of this component with the theme.

CSS Classes

Class name Rule name Description
.MuiTablePagination-actions actions Styles for internal TablePaginationActions component.
.MuiTablePagination-displayedRows displayedRows Styles for displayed rows Typography element.
(Other classes as in the original document)

Source code

View implementation