Browse our collection of free React templates to get started building your app with Material UI, including a React dashboard, React marketing page, and more.
Our curated collection of free Material UI templates includes a dashboard, a marketing page, a checkout flow, sign-in and sign-up pages, and a blog. You can download each one directly from the source code or via CodeSandbox or StackBlitz.
All templates feature a custom theme and a default Material Design 2 theme, with light and dark modes for both. You can toggle through each of these style options in the top right corner of the live previews.
Sections of each layout are defined either by comments or use of separate files, so you can extract parts of a page (such as a hero unit or a footer) for reuse in other pages. These templates can be combined with one of the example projects to form a complete starter app.
If you’re looking to build internal tools and dashboards quickly, head to Toolpad Core examples for functional apps with authentication, routing and theming already integrated.
If you see any room for improvement, please feel free to open an issue or a pull request on GitHub.
Looking for something more? You can find complete templates and themes like those shown below in the premium template section of the MUI Store.
If you’re looking to build internal tools and dashboards fast, but don’t want to start building from scratch, you can find examples of functional dashboards – with authentication, routing, and theming already integrated – in the featured examples section of the Toolpad Core docs.