New to Material UI? Get up to speed quickly with our curated list of learning resources.
The following demo shows a basic Material UI app that features a <Button>
Try changing the variant
on the Button to outlined
to see how the style changes:
{{“demo”: “…/usage/ButtonUsage.js”, “defaultCodeOpen”: true}}
Visit the example projects page to see how we recommend implementing Material UI with various React libraries and frameworks like Next.js, Vite, and more.
Check out our selection of basic templates to get started building your next app more quickly.
Beyond our official documentation, there are countless members of our community who create fantastic tutorials and guides for working with Material UI.
The following is a curated list of some of the best third-party resources we’ve found for learning how to build beautiful apps with our components.
Material UI v5 Crash Course video by Laith Harb: everything you need to know to start building with the latest version of Material UI.
React + Material UI - From Zero to Hero video series by The Atypical Developer: build along with this in-depth series, from basic installation through advanced component implementation.
Next.js 11 Setup with Material UI v5 by Leo Roese: learn how to integrate Material UI into your Next.js app, using Emotion as the style engine.
Material UI v5 Crash Course + Intro to React (2022 Edition) by Anthony Sistilli: how and why to use Material UI, plus guidance on theming and style customization.
Material UI v5 Tutorial Playlist by Nikhil Thadani (Indian Coders): a detailed playlist covering almost every component of Material UI with Create React App.
The Clever Dev and The Smart Devpreneur by Jon M: dozens of high-quality videos and articles digging deep into the nuts and bolts of Material UI.